Mário Lacourt

Check all business cards from Mário Lacourt with their contact information: LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and X/Twitter. C-Level Executive | Growth Strategist | Start-up Specialist. Proven C-level leader with a track record of exceeding sales goals across the USA, Canadá, and Switzerland. Expert in scaling start-ups and structuring large-scale distribution for consumer goods. Known for identifying growth opportunities, fostering profitable relationships with clients and investors, and driving sustainable revenue through innovative strategies and strong financial acumen. This keeps the message clear and impactful while being more to the point. 📚 Leia meu livro 🇧🇷 🇺🇸 👇🏼, Bemfica Mineração, Fábrica, Manifesto | BeGreen Brasil, Dr. Vitor Vitório | BeGreen Brasil and Buy TiBiCoin ($TBC)
